Saturday, April 7, 2007

London Calling

I don't know when I last went a day without drinking anything. It's a blur.
Been meeting some lovely people and staying with some great guys - Ben and Wayne - who are friends of Jane's. Wayne is introducing me to lots of people and generally being a tops bloke.

In London.
Changing of the guard overrated.
Buckingham Palace entirely too brown.
Hyde Park Lovely.
Went and saw The Boat Race today. Massive crowds. I was at the starting line, so watched most of the race on the Big Screen. Cambridge won. I love rowing. As long as I never have to do it.

Peace and Love.


Viv said...

Hi Kate!

Happy Easter! Hope you've eaten tonnes of lovely chocolate! I ate a lot the other night, and then spent the rest of the night feeling sick because of the whole lactose intolerant thing. Oops!

Glad to see you're having such a great time! Incidentally, can you give me the address for your flickr account? So I can look at your pics?

Is it very cold over there in London? And have you met Prince William yet??? :)


Book Club Revisited, Revisited said...

I haven't met Prince William although I did get a glimpse of his brother's skinny knees while I was watching the cricket tonight. I thought he was supposed to be in Iraq, not watching the Poms get thrashed in Antigua.
The only chocolate I got I bought myself...though that is probably a good thing.
How is Mallys going?
Flickr address:
Only half way though. No Moscow or St Petersburg.

Happy Easter Everyone!

Jon Longhurst said...

I thought days were supposed to be a blur when you *did* drink, Kate...

Obviously you've begun to suffer from a reversal of this given your extended exposure to highly potent liquors and spirits.
