Absolutely stunning. It was ALMOST 25 degrees and I was boiling hot. As I said to Jano, my already out of whack internal thermometer has gone completely off the rails.
Friday night I went to the Tate Modern with Marianne. She gets a lot of free tickets to things through her job, so we like to exploit that as much as possible. There is a Dali exhibiton on show at the moment which was amazing. His work has so much more depth when you look at it in real life. Despite most of his paintings being smaller than the ginormous prints that people stick on their college walls, blowing up the paintings somehow makes them LOSE detail, as well as any sense of intimacy that is evoked.
One of my favourites was called Solitude:

It was immensely sad but so minutely detailed as well.
We then went and saw Spellbound, the Hitchcock film being played at the Tate. Dali conceptualised the 3 minute dream sequence which was completely surreal (because he's a surrelaist - get it? PUN!).
It was a really lovely way to spend a Friday evening. As we walked along the SOuthbank to catch a train home, we were 'followed' by a barge on the river that was illuminated and had a massive choir on board singing to celebrate the new renovations of the Royal Festival Hall. It was a perfect London evening.
Saturday Marianne and I decided that we would brave the terrible American crowds at Stratford-Upon-Avon, about 2 hours from London. This should not be confused with Stratford without the Avon because this is a borough stuck on the end of the Northern Lin or DLR and should not be visited by anyone unless they want to part with their earthly possession.
Stratford-Upon-Avon was lovely, the Tudor houses were very cute and made me feel very tall. As you went to each site, the connection to Shakespeare became more and more tenuous and you had to just decide that you would just appreciate the 'vibe'. Couldn't find any really tacky souvenirs, because I didn't get a chance to go into the 'Shakesperience' building. No bobble headed Shakespeares to be had, I left souvenirless.
We also had to walk around in circles for a while because I am incapable of reading street signs. Thankfully, Marianne forgave me and eventually we go to Shakespeare's grave:

I'm not really sure it was worth it. The old graves outside with all the moss etc. on them were way cooler, in my humble opinion. And it cost 50p to get into the little bit where the grave actually was.
Sunday was spent eating cupcakes at Hummingbird Cafe and watching Ocean's 13. Tonight I am going to Wayne's house for dinner. He claims to be able to cook anything. We'll see.
And Rom - don't give up on your poor little car! Check to see if it can be redeemed before doing anything silly!
Hey Katie,
How come Jean and Lionel never do any of these things do you suppose? You have to go to there neighbourhood for me (Holland Park) and see if you can fin their house! (Number 28 I think, but I can't remember at this precise moment in time as my head is full of Constitutional stuff). Exams are alright, finsh on Wednesday. I got your postcard today, thank you! It was lovely! It has taken pride of place on my wardrobe, along with the rest of them! Love you very dearly! Talk soon!
Yay postcards! Now i know what you meant when you said you had already told me about the terrible hot english weather :P
Its Deaks' going away party tonight. You will meet him veeeeeeery soon as he will be making himself comfy in the dent you left on the lads couch in the next few weeks! The theme of the party is "safety". I was gonna go as "unsafe" with a frayed extension cord and.. well, that was the porblem, couldn't think of anything else I could wear that was unsafe. My dad suggested I dress as a condom. That just scared me. So much.
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