I leave the country in 5 days.
I have a whole table full of stuff to fit in a very small backback. I think 4 pairs of shoes may be excessive.
My blog is named after this photo by Duane Michaels, who I love because he mixes his photography with interesting captions and poetry:

The writing at the bottom says:
This photograph is my proof. There was that afternoon, when things were still good between us, and she embraced me, and we were so happy. It did happen, She did love me, Look see for yourself!
So, this is for everyone to see what I am doing, prove to my parents that I am still alive and to prove to myself that I really did do those things I can only recall with vague detail.
Comment when you can. It might make me miss you all less.
Good Luck Katie P. I love you.
Kate shall be impossibly great!
Her trip must undoubtedly be fate!
Alas, we shall be without her lost
Upon our heart she leaves an impost.
But away she flies, on a world trip,
(but Iraq she should surely skip)
Away to see the sights and sounds,
a sense of adventure without bounds.
Just know that wherever you are
We're thinking of you, our superstar.
When you see a beautiful vista, a scenic view
know we're tres jealous, but we still love you!
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