Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Going To The Chapel for £50,000

If, at any future time, I decide that I am giving up on whatever I have said about the state of holy matrimony previously, and as a result of this I for some reason decide to get married, please remind me that I do not want any of my guests to dress up as fairies or Mickey Mouse.

I just mention this because, if I did decide to get married my brain may have melted and it might have turned me into one of these people:,,2272085,00.html

I am also just going to put it out there - you're my friends, I love you, but if you have theme weddings, do not request that I wear anything 'prince charming blue'. It will mean that the only theme I will be inclined to adhere to is black wearing, gin swilling harpy searching for the free booze.

1 comment:

Libby said...

haha you might guess my thoughts on this....

im not all about the disney wedding but the whole fairytale concept does appeal.

i think disney movies have indoctrinated me with unrealistic romantic notions