Thursday, December 27, 2007

Drug-Stabbing Time

I've said to heaps of people that I don't live in the safest part of London, but it isn't the worst part either. Tonight I picked Netta up from the new St Pancras and took her to Suza's house. On the way home, discovered that I had wandered into what looked like a set from The Bill. Police tape, a huge amount of 'bobbies' and those little white tents they put up to preserve blood stains. This is what had happened, for anyone who is interested:

Of course, because they'd blocked a big chunk of Upper Street off, there were no buses heading down Essex Road and no cabs in the area either. So of course I am left with no other option but to walk home through hoodie central. Which to me only increases the likelihood of someone else (ie. me) getting mugged/stabbed/accosted by drunks. Oh look, I live in Islington/Stoke Newington where there have been numerous other stabbings of late. I think I'll just take a late night stroll home.

Anyway, I'm now watching comic relief. Stabbings and Take That performing for charity. Tomorrow I am heading out to buy a Kevlar jacket.

Welcome to England Netta.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay! The blog is back! Hadn't even checked it in months, nice work on the fb advertising campaign.

NYE is here (ie my place) again this year as we are all still sad sacks with no good house parties to go to. It'll never be fran or cavendish, but at least we can frollick in the waves as the sun sinks down. Peer is coming too, so who knows, he might bring along some 17 year olds for our entertainment. If not, i'll just let the drunkest person into my little bro's room to relive the magic of last year! It will of course not be the same without you and your wickedly expensive, sexy, and ultimately chlorinated lingerie. We will sing and dance like dickwits in a toast to the laymest of laymos. Cheers and a Happy New Year my dear, miss you far more than is healthy. Take care and please dont get stabbed.
